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Hi all friends, I wanted to create this page to add a few healthily ideas to help keep you all motivated in the kitchen. 80% of are overall heath comes from what we eat and drink, so keeping a well balance diet is crucial especially at these uncertain times.


Im in no way a chef, nor a dietician, however sharing food ideas and trying new things has always been something iv found really fun and interesting. As we are all spending way more time in our own kitchens at this moment, a little inspiration can make a welcoming and positive change. 


Some of these recipes are my own, however being surrounded by amazing chefs and foodies over the last years, a lot ...... ok ok MOST of my inspiration has come from this lovely lot --


GC @thesmokinglobster1

Ben and Simardo @Thebodycampibiza 

Cinz @westonmannorhouse



Coconut Chi Pudding


I first fell in love with this tropical little number when I picked it up randomly at a high street coffee shop in London. It was so light but filling and a great breakfast on the go. Alternatively it works well as a snack or healthy dessert. At quite a large price point for the amount given I I imagined it would be rather tricky to make. My sister in law Cinz recently discovered that it was possibly the easiest, quickest little delight to put together..... so here's how.









serves 4


Chi seeds- half cup 

coconut milk - one cup 

vanilla essence - 2/3 teaspoons




mix all in a bowl and leave in the fridge for 8 hours.

When your chi pudding is ready to eat, share between 4 glasses or bowls and top with your favourite toppings.

My favourite is coconut yogurt, (I use the vegan kind as find it more creamy). I then pop mango and berries on top and finish with coconut shavings. Alternatively you can add granola, mango, kiwi or bannana, and to decorate nuts, seeds, or Gogi berries work really well. If you're feeling super fancy, add edible flowers for a pop of colour.

Enjoy xxxx


I bought chi seeds last week at a local heath food shop for  £1.77 for 500g, this is enough to make this recipe about 5 times, they are also available to purchase online. Chi seeds are also great to use as a topping for porridge and acid bowls, add into smoothes or sprinkle on salads. I used Coconut milk 'for professionals' as it was the only one in my local store but I would normally use alternative milks without the professional label as they usually contain sugar. Vanilla essence gives the recipe a bit of sweetness, but you can make it without.

Two table spoons of chi seeds contain- 


- 5% more calcium than milk.

- 64% More potassium than a banana.

- 2% more antioxidants than blueberries,

- 100% more omega 3 than salmon.

- 3X times more iron than spinach.


Wild Garlic King Prawn Salad. 


 On a warm spring day I have always been a fan of light fresh ingredients.I have been pescatarian for 3 years so Seafood is my ultimate favourite treat. This is a light lunch GC taught me to make last year and its still always one of my favourites. The salad and garlic butter works well with any white fish. If you have a slightly bigger appetite rice noodles work well to add some delicate carbohydrate.


Wild Garlic Butter


Serves 2


- Finely chopped garlic butter

- Soft butter

- Pinch of Maldon salt.



Method - 


Insure butter is room temperature, finely chop wild garlic / garlic cloves then fold into butter with salt.

The Salad


Serves 2


- Cucumber finally chopped 

- 4x charred bell peppers halved 

- Diecd mango

- Shredded baby gem

- 3 Chopped kaffir lime leaf 

- 8 halved cherry tomatoes 

- 6 sliced redishs 

- 30 grams of baby prawns 



Fry bell peppers in a pan on a high heat until brown, remove from heat and allow to cool in pan. mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl

Jalapeno and coriander dressing 


Serves 2


- 100 grams green chillis

- 100ml rice or white wine viniger

- 10grams of garlic cloves 

- 200ml virgin olive oil

- pinch of Malden salt 




Finely chop all ingredients, mix in a blender for around 30 seconds. 

Dressing can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

King Prawns 


Serves 2


-- 4 large shell on king prawns

- Half a lemon

- Your homemade garlic butter




Peal the shell of the prawn leaving the head on. Place pan on a high heat and add a splash of oil, when pipping hot add prawns for 1 minute turning half way through. Take pan off the heat, add garlic butter and squeeze in lemon leave in pan for a further minute or until the butter has melted.



To serve

Divide the salad onto to plates, place the king prawns on-top, and drizzle over the dressing to finish.


Wild garlic is currently in season until late spring and easy to find in wooded areas, on a sunny day you may smell it before you see it, its easy to pick and keeps in the fridge for a few weeks, great for making pesto and to use while cooking.


At this time some ingredients have been hard to find, I found Kaffir lime leaves and large king prawns shopping with Medina food service. If you call them directly they are sometimes able to offer different quantities than shown on the website. I have also been in contact with our local fisherman Justin who has been able to deliver fresh sea-bass and bream fillets. If you would like Justins details  please message me directly. 

Walnut and Thyme Rague with 

Sweet Potato Disks


This is one of my all time favourite go to recipes I came across at The Body Camp Ibiza, a vegan and gluten free dish that even the biggest meat lovers will adore. Its full of all the good stuff and great if your trying to use up all the left over veggies in the fridge.

The Ragu


serves 4


- 125g Walnuts socked in water for 5- 8 hours.

- 1 x 800g tin plum tomatoes 

- 2 celery sticks

- 2 carrots

- 2 onions

- 1 sprig or thyme

- 100ml of vegetable stock

- 2 tbsp tomato purée

- 2 tbsp olive oil

- Saracha or hot sauce (optional for a bit of heat)

- Handful of spinach

- Salt

-freshly ground black pepper



Finely chop the celery, carrots and onions, fry them gently in a large tall pan in olive oil until softened and golden-brown.

- Add the tomatoes, thyme, tomato purée, vegetable stock, salt and freshly ground black pepper.

- Mix well, cover with a lid and allow to simmer on a low heat for approximately 20 minutes. (Make sure you stir occasionally). 

- Meanwhile roughly chop the walnuts. Add the walnuts into the ragu and allow to simmer for a further 15 minutes. Stir in spinach a minute before serving. 

Sweet Potato Disks



- 2 large sweet potatos

- Olive oil

- Salt 

- freshly ground black pepper



Turn the oven on 180 degrees. While the ragu is simmering slice the sweet potatoes into 1cm disks. Pace on back tray, drizzle over olive oil, add salt and freshly ground pepper and place in the oven for 20 mins or until soft.

To serve


Place 3 sweet potato disks on plate and top with the walnut and thyme ragu, I add a sprig of thyme to garnish. 


If you have your own ragu recipe why not use that instead. Feel free to add a splash or red wine and add any extra vegetables you have in the fridge. Not a fan of sweet potato.... team this dish up with pasta or a leafy green salad. 

you can freeze ragu and enjoy at a later date.  


Let me no how you get on by leaving a comment in the comment box, or by tagging me in a picture on Instagram.


Love Emma xx


Walnuts are a great source of vitamin B and rich in vitamin E. They improve brain heath and strengthen the kidneys and lungs. In this recipe we soak the walnuts to soften them slightly but there are many other heath benefits of soaking/ activating all nuts.


why is soaking nuts beneficial to my heath?


By soaking nuts, you are breaking down the phytic acid so it can be absorbed properly. Nuts are a great snack however the liver has to work hard to filter out these toxins, that's why sometimes eating more than a handful of nuts at a time can be the cause of brain fog and fatigue, as the liver has to work hard to filter out these toxins. Nuts also have high amounts of enzymes inhibitors. This is another reason why un soaked nuts are hard to digest. Soaking nuts can neutralise the enzymes allowing for proper digestion, better flavour, and improved heath benifits.


Chickpea pancakes with Asparagus &

Vegan cheesey mushrooms 


Like most people I just Love pancakes, normally served as a 'treat' breakfast, this version you can enjoy totally guilt free. Chickpea pancakes are just as versatile as you're normal pancake but hold lots of beneficial nutrients to start your day the right way, also chickpea flour is naturally gluten free. You can add any of your favourite toppings savoury or sweet, there also a great finger food when cooled for little ones.

Chickpea pancakes


serves 2.


chickpea flour - half a cup

Water - half a cup 

Olive oil/ coconut oil - 3 tbs



Place chickpea flour, water, and 1 tbs of olive oil into a large mixing bowl and whisk for 1 minute. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes so the chickpea flour absorbs the water a little.

Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a small saucepan. Once warm, pour half of the mix in. Let it cook for 2 ½ – 3 minutes, until the top side is no longer runny.

Flip and let it cook for a further 2 minutes.

Do the same with the other half of the mix, so that both pancakes are ready.

The topping 


Serves 2


4 large chestnut mushrooms sliced

Handful of Spinach

6 Asparagus tips cut into halves

2 Tbs Nutritional yeast 

1 Tbs Olive oil

1 Small Avocado cut into small squares 



Heat the oil in a pan and fry the asparagus 1- 2 minutes each side or until slightly brown. Set asparagus to one side. Add mushrooms into the pan (adding a little extra oil if needed) and fry for 2-3 minutes, add the Spanish and cook for a further minute or until the spinach has wilted. Take the pan off the heat, add the nutritional yeast and stir.  

To Serve.


Place 1 Chickpea pancake onto each plate, divide the mushrooms and spinach and place in the middle of the pancakes, place asparagus and avocado on top. Add salt and pepper too season.

Fancy a sweet treat why not try with some of your favourite yogurt and berries drizzled with a little honey.


Enjoy xxx



Now in season, It's the best time of year to enjoy Isle of Wight asparagus, renowned one of the best spots in the U.K for growing.


Nutritional yeast is a great vegan alternative to parmesan, it's sold in the form of yellow flakes or powder, and has a nutty cheesy flavour. It gets its name from the protons, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains. It can be used for cooking, backing, making sauces or sprinkled on your favourite pasta dish. Find it in your local heath food shop.

Frozen Chocolate Bananas


This one is a favourite treat of mine. My friend and fabulous Vegan Chef Aundreea made these while we were working at The Body Camp Ibiza, I was instantly addicted. They're super quick and easy to make, great activity for the kids, and an opportunity to get a little artistic.



Serves 4


X2 large bananas 
200ml coconut oil 
200g cacao 
200ml maple syrup 

X2 BBQ sticks or something similar.  



Cut the banana into halves, push a stick through the middle and place in a lunch box to protect. Place in the freezer a minimum of 12 hours before making to insure fully frozen.

The sauce - Mix the coconut oil, cocoa, and maple syrup together and keep at room temperature. 

To serve 

Dip the frozen bananas into the mixture, and sprinkle with garnish of your choice. I used coconut shavings, crumbled walnuts, goji berries, and a sprinkle of aci powder.


Not a fan of Bananas......

If you're not a fan of bananas or fancy something a little lighter, why not try cutting up pineapple or watermelon into thick slices, add a wooden stick to hold, then place each slice between baking paper and freeze. Take out the freeze 10 minutes before eating, squeeze a quarter of a lime over the top for extra flavour.

Enjoy x


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Teriyaki tofu and sesame

broccoli rice bowl


This little bowl of goodness is so easy to make and super tasty. This version is vegan however you can switch the tofu for prawns, chicken or beef. Once you make the teriyaki sauce it can be sealed and kept in the fridge for up to a month. Of course you can go for the shop bought teriyaki sauce but its normally a bit higher in sugar and can be very rich in taste so go easy adding a little at a time. 

Teriyaki sauce 


Makes a medium sized jar


85g light brown sugar

70 ml light soy sauce

1 large garlic clove

4cm minced ginger peeled and grated

1 tbs corn flour

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar





Pour 350ml water into a small saucepan with the sugar, soy sauce, garlic and ginger. Slowly bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. Cook for 5 mins more or until glossy and slightly thickened. Combine the cornflour with 1 tbsp water and quickly whisk through the sauce. Whisk through the rice wine vinegar. If it’s still too thick, add a splash more water. Pour into a clean jar and leave to cool at room temperature.

Jasmine rice


serves 2


1 cup dry jasmine rice


Bring a medium sized pan of water to the boil, add rice, cover with lid, and let simmer on a medium heat for 13 minutes. Turn of the heat drain the rice then place back in the pan, cover with lid and let the rice sit for a further 2- 3 minutes.

Sesame broccoli


Serves 2


6 Stems of Tenderstem broccoli 

2 tbs Sesame oil

1 tbsp Sesame seeds

1 tbsp light soy sauce 


Steam or boil broccoli for 3 minutes, then drain, cover with sesame oil, light soy sauce and sesame seeds and keep covered until ready to serve.

Teriyaki Tofu


Serves 2


225g Extra firm silken tofu sliced into 2cm cubes

50g Mangetout

1 red or yellow pepper thinly sliced

3 chestnut mushrooms roughly chopped  

1 spring onion chopped 

1 tbs olive oil

4 cm grated ginger (optional)




Heat oil in a frying pan or wok on medium heat, add Mange-tout  pepper, and chestnut mushrooms, allow to cook for 3-4 minuets or until browned. Add the tofu and ginger and allow to cook for a further 3 minutes. When the tofu is cooked through add 100g of your home made teriyaki sauce and let simmer for 1-2 minutes over a low heat.


To Serve.

Divide rice into 2 bowls, placing rice into one half of the bowl, adding the teriyaki tofu into the other half. sprinkle spring onions onto the tofu. Finish by placing the sesame broccoli on top and Serve with chopsticks.

Feel free to use any of your favourite veggies with the Tofu. 

Enjoy x


Using chopsticks involves over 30 joints and 50 muscles in the fingers, wrist, arm, shoulder as well as thousands of nerves, great for improving motor skills and coordination..... what a bonus.

Bowl of Rice

Sesame oil if one of my favourite dressings, its light with a slight nutty taste and is a great addition to any asian dish.

Did you no - sesame oil is not a cooking oil as heating takes away the flavour, use to taste after cooking just before serving.  


Apricot and Almond Over Night Oats


Porridge oats are renowned to be a great Start to the day, if your not familiar with over night oats they are possibly one of the quickest breakfasts to make, with everything you need for a boost of energy to start your day, there perfect for spring mornings, also good for those who meal prep or are up and out the door in the mornings. Over night oats keeps in the fridge for unto 3 days, work well with any of your favourite fruits and nut toppings, and looks fancy to, all round winner, so here's how....


Serves 2


1 cup of old fashioned oats

1 cup of almond milk

2 tbs of dried apricots 

1 tbs of almond butter

1 tbs of chi seeds (optional)


For the topping-

8 chopped almonds 

half a sliced banana 

handful of berries of your choice

sprinkle of desiccated coconut. 



In a mixing bowl stir the Almond milk and almond butter until smooth, then add the porridge oats, apricots and chi seeds. Combine all in ingredients and divide the mix between 2 airtight containers and place in the fridge for 8 hours. I use a masonry jar I picked from Asda for £!, alternatively you can use a recycled jam jar. When your overnight oats are ready to eat top with sliced banana, blueberries, chopped almonds and desiccated coconut. 


If you prefer your oats a little looser add a little more milk. Try different fruits options, grated apple is, another favourite of mine, or why not add a little protein or cacao powder 

Enjoy xxxx


Cucumber Maki Rolls


Everyone loves sushi, its fresh, versatile, and great for sharing, but also a fun activity that can include the whole family. This recipe is a vegan option, however you can add almost anything into a sushi roll including prawns, crab and mackerel, fried chicken also works really well for meat lovers. I would highly recommend prepping all the ingredients and rolling your own at the dinner table, that way every one can get creative. 

Sushi Rice


Serves 4


300g sushi rice
390ml water

80ml Sushi vinegar


I found sushi rice and sushi vinegar at my local Asda store just last week.


Sushi rice must be washed first, measure out the rice and put it into a saucepan or use a bowl at this stage. Add plenty of water to the pan/bowl then gently stir and mix the rice with your hand. When the water becomes cloudy with starch, pour the water away, keeping the rice in the pan/bowl using your hand. Repeat this step up to 3-5 times or until the water becomes clear. After washing the rice soak the rice for at least 30 mins. Then drain after.


Add the rice and 390ml of fresh water to your saucepan. Put on the stove, and bring to the boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to low and let the rice simmer for about 15-20 mins. (Make sure to keep the lid on the saucepan).

Once cooked remove the saucepan from the stove and leave the rice to steam for a further 10-15 mins (keeping the lid on).


Mix the cooked rice with the sushi vinegar, To get the best flavour, the vinegar needs to be folded into the rice while it is still warm. As you are mixing the rice and vinegar together, the rice will cool.When the rice has cooled down to room temperature your sushi rice is ready to be used for any type of sushi.

To make the sushi 


serves 2


Sushi nori seaweed 

Chilli mayo

Pickled ginger

spring onion

red pepper thinly sliced

Cucumber peeled and thinly sliced


I found Sushi nori seaweed at my local Asda store and pickled ginger at Tesco express.


For rolling-

Bamboo sushi Mat


I purchased one from Morrisons for £2.09 altho on amazon they are cheeper at £1.50, they are reusable and easy to clean.






Place a nori sheet on a bamboo matt, cover the nori sheet in a very thin layer of rice using your fingers to flatten the rice so it sticks to the nori sheet leaving a 2cm space at the top of the sheet  (I always have a small bowl of water handy to wet my fingers to prevent the rice sticking to them). 

in the centre of the rice place 1 piece of spring onion, 3 or 4 slices of red pepper, a few slices of pickled ginger, 4 pieces of cucumber and a teaspoon of chilli mayonnaise along the centre of the rice (you do not have to stick to certain ingredients or measurements here, go with your personal preference).

Dampen the top edge of the nori sheet with a little water. Starting at the bottom, roll the nori roll using the bamboo sheet all the way over until the damp edge attaches to the outside of the roll. Hold for afew seconds giving gentle pressure then take away the bamboo sheet.



To Serve

Use a sharp damp knife to slice the sushi rolls into 4 using one long motion. Place on a plate longways and add a little chilli mayonnaise on top of each roll to garnish. Serve with a little soy sauce on the side.

Anything goes in these little rolls, pan fried tofu or aubergine for vegetarians or Crab or prawn with avocado works really well for any seafood lovers, get inventive and see what your favourite combo turns out to be. And don't forget to take a picture :)

Enjoy xx


Different types of sushi roll-


Maki Roll - Seaweed on the outside, rice on the inside.

Uramaki roll - Filling is surrounded by nori seaweed sheet with rice on the outside.

Nigiri Sushi - This is a rectangle cube of rice with sushi laid on top. 

Onigiri - A triangular ball of sushi rice normally wrapped with nori seaweed around the bottom.

lemon & Summer Greens Pasta


I Found this recipe on line a few years ago and its one I just keep coming back to, I use different greens every time and it always turns out tasty, its full of goodness, tastes fresh, and works well served hot or cold as a side dish for a spring time buffet or bbq. 


Serves 4


1 large bunch (8 ounces) kale.

¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

2 large cloves garlic, smashed and peeled

Zest and juice from 1 medium lemon (preferably organic)

1 Green chilli finely chopped

½ pound (8 ounces) rigatoni or pasta of choice

2 cups (8 ounces) fresh or frozen peas

Handful of spinach

Freshly ground black pepper, Sea salt to taste

X2 tbs nutritional yeast (optional)

¾ cup (2 ounces) coarsely grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

½ cup or more ricotta cheese, for garnish (optional)


Bring a large pot of heavily salted water to boil. Meanwhile, prepare your kale by slicing or stripping the leaves from the stems. Discard the rough bottom of the stems, 


When the water is boiling, add all of the kale leaves to the pot and cook for 5 minutes (do not drain the water).


Meanwhile, warm the olive oil in a small pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and green chilli and cook until the garlic begins to sizzle, then reduce the heat to low. Cook gently, until turning lightly golden, about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the contents into a stand blender.


Use tongs to transfer the kale leaves over to the blender (you actually want to bring some of the water with them). Add most of the zest from the lemon, and 1 tablespoon of the juice. Add ¼ teaspoon salt, plus about 10 twists of freshly ground black pepper.


Blend until the mixture is completely smooth and silky, adding more spoonfuls of water if necessary to gain traction. Taste, and add tablespoon of lemon if desired, We want it to taste lemony! Today I have lots of spinach to use up so added a handful into the mixer. Set aside.


Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook until al dente according to the package directions, stirring often. Place the peas in a sieve placing the sieve ontop of the pan and cook them in the same water until they’re warmed throughout. Set the peas aside.


Before draining the pasta, scoop out about half a cup of the pasta cooking water with a heat-safe measuring cup. Drain the pasta, then return it to the pot. Pour in the green sauce, about ¾ of the Parmesan (or nutritional yeast if vegan) the peas, and spinach and add a small splash of the reserved cooking water if needed. Stir gently until the pasta is well coated and bright green. 


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Change it up 


This pasta is versatile! Make it as is, or try any of the following adjustments.

Add a fried egg, chicken or prawns for additional protein.

Garnish with fresh leafy herbs—dill, parsley and chives.

Substitute another hardy green for the kale, I’ve used a Chinese cabbage before, or most collard greens work.

You can also easily make this dish dairy free, vegan and/or gluten free using vegan cheese, or gluten free pasta.

Fresh Lettuce

To Serve


Divide into bowls immediately. Top each with a sprinkle of the remaining Parmesan, a few dollops of ricotta/ if vegan sprinkle the remaining  nutritional yeast on top instead, then sprinkle of lemon zest and some herbs to decorate, I used peas hoots but you can use parsley or chives. Finish the bowls with a light drizzle of olive oil. Enjoy! Leftovers will keep for up to 2 days in the refrigerator, when covered. 

Scrambled Tofu With

IOW Roasted Cherry Tomatoes


Tofu is fairly new for many of us, it's only recently made an appearance on UK menus, a ingredient made by the Chinese, originaly called 'okabe'. The question I frequently get asked is how are we supposed to no what to do with it? This dish is my favourite Tofu brunch option, its quick to make, great for using up extra veg, and also works well for lunch or dinner to. I first tried scrambled tofu at the Body camp Ibiza, I followed a recipe once when I returned home and ever since just popped any veggies and spices I have to change it up, its been a staple dish in my diet ever since, full with protein, vegan and gluten free, a great option for the whole family.

Scrambled tofu


Serves 2


250g Firm Tofu original or smoked

1 tsp Turmeric powder

1 tsp paprika powder

1 Garlic clove finally chopped

1 Red pepper sliced longways

4 chestnut mushrooms roughly chopped

Half a courgette chopped

Half red onion Finley chopped

Handful of Spinach

12 on the vine cherry tomatoes.

1 tbsp Olive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to season




Heat the oven to 180 degrees and heat the olive oil in a pan on a medium to high heat, add onion and fry until brown. Add the garlic, red pepper, courgette and fry for 3-4 minutes. While this is cooking break the tofu up in a bowl using your fingers until it looks a little like scrambled eggs. Place the cherry tomatoes on the vine onto a baking tray and cover the tomatoes with the balsamic vinegar, place in the oven. Add the tofu, turmeric powder, and smoked paprika powder to the pan turning the heat down a little and cook for a further 5 minutes adding the spinach after 2 minutes, stir regularly. 




To Serve


Divide the tofu between 2 plates, take the tomatoes from the oven and place tomatoes on the pate keeping them on the vine for presentation, season with salt and pepper, and serve.


Chestnut and date Gyozas


These delicious little Chinese parcels are so dainty but so modish, another dish that the whole family can enjoy making and an opportunity to get inventive and come up with different fillings, including veggie options like tofu, or minced meat and prawns.


Makes 20 Dumplings

1 Shallot 

1Garlic clove 

3 Dates pitted 

5 Chestnut Mushrooms 

5 Chesnuts 

All finally chopped

20 wonton wrappers

50g spinach leaves (1 big handful)

3 tbsp sunflower oil

Chinese back vinegar to serve 




To make the filling - 

Heat a pan or wok over a medium heat, add the spinach and cook until wilted. Remove from the pan and when cool enough squeeze out as much moisture as possible, then shred finely.

Heat 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil over a medium heat, sweat the shallot for afew minutes or until brown, stir in the garlic then remove the wok from the heat. Add the dates and allow to warm in the pan for a few minutes then place the pan back onto the heat. Add the spinach and remaining ingredients, cook for a further 3 minutes then set the mix aside in a bowl.

To make the dumpling -

Lay your wonton wrappers on a dry surface and fill a small bowl with a little warm water. Place a teaspoon of the mixture into the middle of the wrapper, then dampen your finger in the water and rub the outside edge then fold the wrapper in half and press the edges together to seal makeing small little pleats using your fingers.

repeat until you have used all the mixture. 

To cook the dumpling-

Heat 2 tbsp of sunflower oil in the pan and fry the dumplings on both sidesuntil slightly brown (you may have to cook in two batches) . Add around 100m of boiling water to the pan and cover with a lid, lower the heat slightly and allow to steam for 2-3 minutes.



To serve


Place all the gyozas on a large serving plate, I used chives for decoration, they also help to stop the dumplings slipping if on a plate. Place the Chinese vinegar in a small bowl to use as a dip for your dumplings, add a little finally chopped chives or spring onion to decorate and  finally chopped red chilli if you like a little heat.

Enjoy xxx



Vegan Peanut butter

Ice Cream


Its the time of year for ice cream that's for sure, but vegan alternatives are so expensive to buy, and don't always hit the spot. This option is a healthy alternative, Its fun and quick to make, and can be served with your favourite toppings. 


Serves 6


1 cup canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 cup Medjool dates, pitted

1/2 cup peanut butter (I use natural salted)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 400 ml can of coconut milk

To Decorate (optional)

Chocolate chips or cocoa nibs for serving 

More peanut butter 



Add all the ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend for 90 seconds or until smooth (the more you blend the lighter your cream will be).

Transfer to a lunch box and freeze for at least 3 hours. Serve with a drizzle of peanut butter and chocolate chips (or cocoa nibs) if desired. 

This ice cream has the best consistency when eaten 3-6 hours after putting in the freezer. Longer than that, it can get a little harder (but still tastes great!). If this is the case, simply leave it at room temperature for 20- 30 minutes before serving. I tried this recipe with almond  milk with success, I'm sure any alternative milk would work well to. A strong blender is best for this recipe to get a smooth ice cream. If using unsalted peanut butter, you may want to add a small pinch of salt. You can taste the mixture before freezing and add maple syrup if you would like it sweeter.


Serving options-


Place some boing water in a bowl and allow your ice cream scoop or spoon to heat up, spoon a large scoop of ice cream into a bowl, or onto an ice ream cone and decorate with toppings of your choice. 


For the coffee lovers-

No need to miss out on your favourite frappuccino from your local coffee shop. Mix 1 - 2 teaspoons of infant coffee with 100ml of boiling water and stir, place coffee into a blender with 5 ice cubes and 250ml of your favourite milk, add 1 scoop of your homemade Peanut ice cream and blend for 30 seconds adding a little maple syrup if you like your coffee sweeter. Poor into a large glass and enjoy with a straw.

Sesame Tempeh with Vietnamese 



This light lunch / dinner time option is perfect for the sunny weather and stars protein rich tempeh. Tempeh is made from soy just like tofu but is less processed giving it firmer texture, it contains way more fibre and has a deeper flavour than tofu, a fantastic meat substitute for vegetarians or vegans. Tempeh is a fermented product which makes it easy for the body to digest, and is great for gut health, its gluten free, quick to cook and with a fresh crispy salad is a dish that everyone can enjoy.  


Serves 2


for the salad-

1 carrot gratted

Half a red cabbage grated 

half a courgette gratted

1 red onion thinly sliced

1 red or yellow pepper thinly sliced

juice of 1 lime

Parsley finally chopped

2 tbsp spoons of balsamic vinegar

pinch of salt

For the sesame Tempeh-

250 g tempeh cut into large squares

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp dijon mustard

juice of half a large lemon

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp cold water

Salt and cracked back pepper to season



Place the carrot, cabbage, red onion, pepper and parsley into a mixing bowl and toss gently using your finger tips to insure ingreadience are mixed together. add the balsamic viniger, lime juice, and salt and mix again using a wooden spoon, set aside.

In a smal bowl mix the tahini, dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, lemon juice and cold water and mix together, taste and add black pepper and salt to season if needed. If your mixture is quite thick you can add more cold water to loosen.

Place a pan with the remaining olive oil on a medium to high heat, once hot add tempeh and cook for 3-4 minutes turning every now and then until browned on both sides. 

Take the pan of the heat and let the tempi sit for a minute, then add the sesame dressing into the pan for approximately 20 seconds to warm gently.



Change it up-


Instead of using Tempeh in this dish you can use tofu for another vegetarian option, or fried vegetables, alternatively you can use prawns or strips of beef, all with the same cooking method.


To Serve-

Divide the salad into two bowls, place the tempeh and sesame sauce on top  and decorate with sesame seeds, parsley or pea sprouts.

Enjoy xxx 


 You can buy Tempeh from most local shops in the uk, i prefer fresh tempeh (found in the chilled section) however you can purchase in the dry food section in a jar in brine or sometimes canned.

Anti-Inflammatory Golden



This magic mixture is a great for fighting infection and reducing inflammation in the body, perfect to help the immune system and extremely relevant for these current times, especially as lockdown starts to lift and people begin to return to work. Why not swap a coffee a day with this immune boosting milkshake, your body will thank you for it. 


Serves 2


550ml – I use Almond milk but all milk will work vegan or dairy.

2 teaspoons ground turmeric

2 teaspoon ground nutmeg or cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp Maple syrup

2 Teaspoons of vanilla essence

cinnamon for decoration (optional)




In a small saucepan, combine milk, maple syrup, turmeric, nutmeg/cinnamon, ginger, and olive oil. Heat on medium until warm, whisking occasionally (don't let the mixture boil).

Pour into a jug and allow to cool in the fridge. When chilled whisk mixture well, place 5 ice cubes into you favourite tall glass and serve with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon, and a straw.


Little note-

Tumeric can leave traces of yellow, I always youse a straw to protect my teeth. 

The olive oil in this recipe is the fat needed for the numeric to be absorbed into the body.


Salmon and Spinach

 Red Curry


This light spring style Salmon curry is inspired by a little request from one of you guys so thank you so much for asking, (requests always welcome). This dish can be made with tofu steaks as a substitute for the salmon if you would like a vegetarian option (cooking directions stay the same). It has a medium to high heat but also easy to amend to your liking, it also taste great the next day so why not make an extra batch to be stored in the fridge or freezer.



2 4-6 oz. salmon filets (skinless, wild caught whenever possible)

1 pinch sea salt

4 tbsp soy sauce

3 tbsp chilli and garlic stir fry sauce 

1 Tbsp coconut or sunflower oil

2 thinly sliced shallots

1 inch of minced fresh ginger

1 small serrano pepper (reduce for less heat, increase for more heat)

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbsp red curry paste

1 medium red bell pepper, cut into squares

1 healthy pinch sea salt

1 14-oz can light coconut milk

1-2 tsp maple syrup

2 cups spinach (or Kale)

1 cup of dried white or brown rice

basil, parsley or mint to serve (optional)



First, prep salmon. Ideally, I like the skin on but remove if you prefer. Top the salmon with salt, and add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, and chili garlic sauce to briefly marinate. Set aside.

Place the rice in a pan of boiling hot water and allow to cook for 13 minutes lid on, once the rice is cooked (be sure to set a timer) turn of the heat, drain the water and place back into the pan with the lid on and leave to steam until curry is ready to serve.

Heat a large rimmed pan or pot over medium heat. Once hot, add oil then add shallot, ginger, and serrano pepper and sauté for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Next add garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes more, stirring frequently, lowering the heat if it begins to burn.

Add the red curry paste (I add two tablespoons here and save one for later if needed) sauté for 2 minutes, stirring frequently (turn down heat if browning or burning). Then add red bell pepper and a pinch of salt and sauté for 2 minutes. Add coconut milk and stir to combine. Then bring to a low simmer over medium heat. Cook for 2 minutes.

Add the remaining soy sauce and maple syrup, starting with a little amount at a time. Taste curry and adjust flavour as needed, adding more soy sauce for depth of flavour, of add a little more curry paste if you like that heat.

Once you have the curry to your liking, add the salmon . Cover and cook through for approximately 5 minutes.In the last 1-2 minutes of cooking, add the spinach or kale, cover, and cook until wilted.


Change it up-

If your like your curry with little heat I would recommend using a green curry paste instead, I use 'Mae Ploy' curry paste available at Asda or Morrisons, also available on amazon. It keeps for afew months in the fridge and is great for marinating fish chicken or beef, making soups or risotto dishes.

To Serve

Divide the rice and salmon, and curry between two bowls, Serve with a lime wedge on the side and top with

 fresh herbs to decorate. if you don't eat fish substitute the salmon for a tofu steak (the same cooking instructions apply)

Enjoy xxx

Isle of Wight Pilates

Isle of Wight Pilates
127-128 High Street, Cowes PO31 7AY

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